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Tumbao Tuesdays pictures

Filed under: City: Boston,Clubs,General — SalsaFrenzy II @ 11:04 am

Pictures from this Tuesday’s Tumbao Tuesdays are up on the Gallery. Ana and Joel performed. A friend there who was a sceptic early in the night left a very happy camper.


tumbao tuesdays

Filed under: City: Boston,Clubs,General — on123567 @ 6:47 pm

this past tuesday (7/13) was the opening night of tumbao tuesdays a “salsa meets sushi” night at a japanese restaurant in copley square, boston. the first thing i noticed walking into the dance room was the floor. it was spotless and at least at the beginning of the night, you could have eaten your sushi off it. it seemed almost profane to be wearing street shoes on it.

the layout of the room reminded me of the green street grill, a rectangle with bench seats along the two sides, except this was bigger and a much nicer floor. the music courtesy of dj d martinez and the sound system were great. the only problem (hopefully a short lived one) was the low turnout, presumably on account of the rain that night.

the location is good, it’s a 2 minute walk from the copley t-stop, and it looked like there was ample street parking. i plan on bringing friends there next week. some pictures now available in the gallery.


havana club friday night salsa

Filed under: City: Boston,Clubs,General — on123567 @ 8:44 am

last night’s grand opening of a friday night in cambridge was… grand.

i got there around 9:45 and a class by johnny and felicita was still in progress. they on the stage leading some footwork and scores of people on the dance floor following diligently. the ballroom of the greek american political club were this is held is large with an all wood floor. the bottle of baby powder i had proved popular as most but not all the floor felt sticky. (more…)


el gran combo and la india concert at club lido – wow

Filed under: City: Boston,Clubs,General — on123567 @ 10:16 pm

that was an awesome concert last saturday (6/12) at club lido.

jose masso, the night’s mc, started with a rapid fire introduction of the night, its organizers and set the tone. he acknowledged ahmed and april, the nyc dancers they brought to dance on stage, and april’s recent boston salsa congress. (more…)


Ryles Rave

Filed under: City: Boston,Clubs,General — on123567 @ 4:04 am

what a difference a week makes, or more accurately a dj makes. last night at ryles was rob’s dj debut and several on2 ladies were there (certainly not because of anything written in this blog). no complaints from me this time around.

but apparently one person’s blessing is another’s curse. a lady told the proprietor she wasn’t happy with the dj. when asked why, she said because he made all the on2 ladies show up and all the men were asking them to dance and she wasn’t asked as much as in other weeks. oooh! had i been there, i might have pointed out that her’s was not a problem that a few classes with april, ana, or burju couldn’t fix.

el gran combo and la india are in town this weekend for a joint concert. there will be several dancers from new york on stage including ahmed, desireĆ©, gina, and kimberli. i haven’t been to wonderland ballroom (aka club lido) in a long time and am looking forward to it.


cub cache

Filed under: City: New York,Clubs,General — xstasy @ 2:41 pm

thursday nights at club cache are the best in the ny salsa scene. i only wish it were earlier since i have to awaken very early to work it’s from 10pm-2am…nothing but non-stop salsa dancing in an open, addictive & positive environment.

i attended jimmy anton’s social on sunday- as usual- great. jimmy anton was DJing with another DJ- I’d like to tknow who he is bc i loved his selections- he didnt abuse the fast-paced stuff.


Ryles rant

Filed under: City: Boston,Clubs,General — on123567 @ 6:01 am

water water everywhere and not a drop to drink. okay a bit of an exaggeration, but that’s how ryles felt last night if you were a male on2 dancer. a couple of us were trying to figure out why. it’s been the case more often than not for a few months now. the music is good, the floor is good, the night is crowded, the area is safe, parking is easy, but hardly any ladies dance on2. They are in the classes and in the dance groups, so it’s not that they don’t exist in this town.

people in dance groups were putting in extra practices getting ready for last weekend’s LA congress. perhaps things will improve now that’s over.

looking forward to the friday salsa night opening in cambridge in a couple of weeks. won’t spill the beans on its venue as that hasn’t been announced yet, but it has lots of potential.

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