SalsaFrenzy Blogs Web diaries (blogs) by Salsa dancers. Anyone can post or comment.


SalsaFrenzy adding City Forums

Filed under: City: Boston,General,Site Updates — SalsaFrenzy II @ 1:43 am

SalsaFrenzy is setting up discussion forums for different cities. This to help travellers looking for tips on where to dance in other cities and to give exposure to the salsa scenes in different towns, countries, etc. We’ve started with forums for Boston, Denver, Puerto Rico, and Tokyo:

For each city forum we start, there are one or two volunteers willing to act as “city helpers”. They’ll respond to posts and guarantee that questions don’t go unanswered.

If you are in Boston, Denver, Puerto Rico, or Tokyo, tell your friends and feel free to post announcements of local classes, workshops, club nights, and concerts. If you would like to see a forum added for your city or region, let us know. We’ll add a forum for a town as soon as we have two volunteers willing to answer questions about its salsa scene.

We are particularly interested in adding forums for small towns and far away places with hidden or emerging salsa scenes (Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America). If you are from one of those towns or countries and would like to get a lot of exposure for your salsa scene, let’s talk. SalsaFrenzy is a widely and frequently visited site, particularly by people wanting to learn about other places and people.


SalsaFrenzy Salsa Minutes now on iTunes

Filed under: General,Site Updates — SalsaFrenzy II @ 11:05 am

SalsaFrenzy Salsa Minutes are now listed as video podcasts on Apple’s iTunes Music Store! This means if you have iTunes you can subscribe to them and you’ll get the latest episodes automatically when you run iTunes. It also means you can easily get them on your iPod!! This link will take you to the SalsaFrenzy video podcast page on iTunes.

To download and view video podcasts, you need to be using version 6 or later of iTunes and version 7.0.3 or later of QuickTime.

Click here to get the latest version of iTunes (PC or Mac).

Click here to get the latest version of QuickTime (PC or Mac).


SalsaFrenzy Salsa Minutes #1

Filed under: City: Boston,General,Site Updates — SalsaFrenzy II @ 12:42 pm

SalsaFrenzy has kicked off a little project called “SalsaFrenzy Salsa Minutes”. These are video podcasts of salsa dance footwork, partner combinations, and snap interviews with salsa personalities.

The first Salsa Minute features a short partner combination demonstrated by Julie and Danny and introduced by Michelle. Video podcast on Sunday October 16, 2005 from Wepa Salsa Sundays at Ryles Jazz Club in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

You can view it by downloading it in any of the following formats: M4V (9.4 mb), MP4 (10.7 mb), or AVI (28.3 mb).

Check it out and stay tuned for more to come.


It’s all in the balance

Filed under: Site Updates — SalsaFrenzy II @ 11:13 am

Quite by accident, I stumbled on the fix to the “blue look” of all flash pictures I had been taking. Turns out I been using the wrong color balance all this time. Sigh. Glad I didn’t dump the camera which I thought was the problem. Pictures from this past Tumbao Tuesdays are the first with the correct color balance.


Gallery changes

Filed under: Site Updates — SalsaFrenzy II @ 8:22 pm

There’s now a “sub-category” under “Boston” for each of the weekly nights/clubs that have multiple albums in the gallery. This makes it easy to see the weekly pictures for a particular Salsa night:

Temporada Latina at Ryles:

Tumbao Tuesdays:

Wepa Sundays at Ryles:


Photo Gallery Launched

Filed under: Site Updates — SalsaFrenzy II @ 4:42 am

SalsaFrenzy now has a photo gallery at It’s intended to be a community gallery with salsa pictures posted by the public or pointers to other salsa photo albums. In the spirit of being a directory, the albums are organized by cities. Details on how to post an album or how to point to your album will be added soon, but the adventurous can experiment on their own.

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