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Goings on in Boston

Filed under: City: Boston,General — SalsaFrenzy II @ 1:11 pm

In mid-July, Jeff organizer of Havana Club nights, announced on the SalsaFrenzy Forum a weekly Tuesday night at Ryles. I had learned of this a couple of days prior and also learned how it had come about. Jeff had approached Ryles with the interest in moving his Friday night there (after it didn’t work out at the Greek Ballroom in Central Square) without informing Suzanne and April, respectively organizers of Temporada Latina on Thursdays and Wepa Sundays. I thought it was an unfriendly move on his part and wrote to him privately pointing out that he had built his nights in part with the support of fellow local promoters and for him to move against their interests was problematic and that the success of any salsa night is ultimately a function of the goodwill extended to it by the community.

He didn’t respond and a week later he announced on the list the Friday night and the Tuesday nights at Ryles. I replied to that publicly making the same points.

I had been an active supporter of Jeff’s efforts to date and in particular his attempt to launch a Friday Salsa night in Central Square. So I’m disappointed that his business scruples are other than what I had expected and what he had represented to me. To be clear, my point of contention is that he would seek to host nights at the same venue as that of two other promoters and to go behind their backs in dealing with the club.

I doubt Jeff would be happy if another promoter (say April for the sake of argument) surreptitiously approached the Green Street Grill (venue of his Monday nights) about having a Tuesday night there and promoted it to her Monday and Tuesday class students next door. I would have had the same opinion of it as I do of Jeff’s conduct and would have been similarly vocal about it, however, I know for a fact that April would not entertain acting that way. Why? Because she’s passed on such opportunities in the past for exactly that reason.

And the response?

Jeff’s reply (only one to date) was providing an email address where he can be reached “If April or Suzanne would like to set up a meeting” and that he “will not engage in public disputes.” Seems a little backwards and a little late given that he should have been doing the contacting prior to and not after the fact.

I got private feedback from a friend to the effect that airing dirty laundry was a bad idea, pushes people away from the scene, and people just want to dance. On the one hand, I can see their point. I’m sure that my own enjoyment of dancing in other towns is enhanced by blissful ignorance of any issues that exist among constituencies there. On the other hand, a practice of keeping people in the dark is an invitation for bad behavior.

In a similar vein was a reply that what mattered was the quality of the service provided (convenient time and location to dance with friends, etc.). Yes there are consumers (probably the majority) who don’t care how a service or product they use came about, but there are those who do care how the coffee they drink is grown, how the shoes they wear are made, etc. I guess the activist in me puts me in the latter group in this instance.

That was it by way of substantive feedback. And then Salsa in Boston’s 800 pound gorilla, Olaf weighed in with a missive short on substance and long on scattershot rants. Stay tuned…


  1. Anthony rants back:
    >>And then Salsa in Boston’s 800 pound gorilla, Olaf weighed in with a
    >> missive short on substance and long on scattershot rants. Stay tuned…

    Cool! So we’re resorting to insults and name calling now.

    I should be flattered I suppose. Intellectual that you are, a quick web search would have revealed that gorillas weight in at 350-400 lbs when fully grown.

    Donkeys on the other hand do weigh in at about that, also when fully grown. So I guess this makes you an 800 lb ass.

    Anthony, what exactly IS your agenda?

    (For the rest of us, are we having fun yet? Ohhhh yeaahhhh!!!)

    Comment by Olaf Bleck — 9/7/2004 @ 2:29 am

  2. Name calling? This could be the first time that someone takes offense at being referred to as an 800 pound gorilla.

    While it may not be a term of endearment, it’s a literary term used as an acknowledgment (even of grudgingly) of a party’s dominant position in a scene or marketplace. Microsoft is the 800 pound gorilla in software, the US is the 800 pound gorilla in military might, etc.

    Comment by SalsaFrenzy II — 9/9/2004 @ 2:33 pm

  3. what is this?!? why are you going back and forth like little children? it is sad and embarassing for the salsa community to have this constant bickering. we have attended & supported events from all parties involved. let’s dance and forget this. If there is a personal thing going on then keep it amongst yourselves. Why dish out your dirty laundry? name calling, insluts, etc are childish. Activist?! just my two cents…i know you will disect everything i wrote. you must have to much time.

    Comment by Julio — 9/11/2004 @ 8:00 pm

  4. Seems to me that all the promoterrs and web masters (if I can call them “masters”) should get together for a “sit-down ” meeteing —Mafia style—and sort out all their differences, and maybe come to some general agreements about pomoting this or that, and calling the event this thing or the other. We’d all be better served, and perhaps the Salsa community could be less balkanized.

    Most of us simply want to learn, dance and have fun. This constant bickering serves no one, in the end. I’m sure that there is room for all the promoterrs to sponser events and hopefully make some money while giving the Salsa public a good time without all this rancor.

    Think about it—a Salsa community that includes everyone—wouldn’t that be a good thing?

    Let’s get it together folks.


    Comment by Richard — 11/23/2004 @ 7:53 pm

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